Badass Rss Review: Scam?

Does Badass Rss really deliver or is it just another sorry product that fails to deliver on its promises?

Although the letters R S S stand for “really simple syndication” the concept is one that is not fully understood by most people, including a lot of seasoned internet marketers.

It is no secret that blog content is spread from one website to another using Rss, and you probably know you can read other people’s blogs without physically visiting them by using an Rss reader or aggregator, but can Rss really help you get better rankings on the search engine results pages and free traffic to your websites?

Well, that question has been one that I have asked myself many times. And even after purchasing and devouring several ebooks on the subject, I was still at a loss about how this process worked and how I could use it to my advantage.

Then along came Badass Rss which claimed to do things like take a simple free blog entry, broadcast it across a number of different Rss aggregators that have high page rank and in return send a lot of “link love” to my blog so that my blog url would end up on one of the first few pages of the major search engines in just a few hours time.

Yeah right! That’s a mighty powerful statement to make. But the testimonials from other customers were even more powerful and the cost to try the product out less than a soda, so I thought “what the heck” I can cancel out if it failed to deliver.

Well, I have to say that I was blown away by the results I got the first time I used it and have been using it regularly since then.

Now you can always find good and bad points about almost every product and the bad thing about Badass Rss is that I didn’t have it a year ago (actually it wasn‘t even available a year ago).

If you are serious about making money online, I highly recommend checking Badass Rss out for yourself. You can see the free video here. Otherwise, you’ll never know what you missed, but your competition will!